You're a fucking great person.
You truly are.
I want to you to fuck with you as much as fucking possible.
What if you don't know how to go about it? Well I like you so I got you covered.
First. Why is it important to love yourself?
If you fuck with you then the universe gone fuck with you. It's the simplest way I can explain it. The way you love yourself is the blueprint for people outside of you on HOW you want to be treated and loved.
When you love yourself you good in the streets and in life.
Here are some tips for your journey to self love.
If you're not getting good sleep then you going out sad. You gotta change that immediately. This is the first step to loving yourself. The rest of this shit is in no particular order but this sleep shit you have to take care of first.
Good sleep sets the tone to EVERYTHING. Your day. How you interact with people. Your mindset and most importantly how you feel about yourself.
Every time I get a good 7-8 hours of sleep I feel fucking good. There are a few exceptions of course like the loss of a loved one or you going through something like a breakup but outside of that you feel like MONEY when you catch the Z's.
Life can get overwhelming as fuck. Especially the times we're living in right now. Everywhere you turn or look you see hatred, politics, more hatred, more politics, greed, greed, greed.
It's time for you to practice gratitude. I'm apart of the most hated race in the United States of America but guess what? I love me some me baby and so grateful for life. My black skin I'll never be ashamed of or downplay.
I have bad anxiety and I used to always be hard on myself but when I embraced the spiritual side of things I found out things about myself that I absolutely loved.
Simple things like praying and being thankful for my body. I'm in good health because I eat really well and workout. I pray for the world and all my loved ones.
Being thankful for breathing. Just inhale and exhale and just appreciate the sounds in your mind. No T.V. No music. Just the sound of you breathing and your thoughts. The sound of life. Just do it for 5 to 10 minutes. You'll feel refreshed and feel like a brand new you. Once you're a brand new you can't nobody tell you shit about how to feel about yourself.
When you take your personal spiritual journey you're embracing peace and love for your soul and mind then that peace and love you have for yourself will spread out to the world. It's contagious. Love starts with you first then society will be blessed enough to experience that same joy with you. It's the only way peace can be achieved.
You are you. It's one of the absolute truths in this life shit. There is no one like you. Never will be. Not even your offspring. You'll share the same interests with other people but you weren't made the same.
Stop comparing your life to others. It's the easiest way to put yourself down instead of loving yourself. Comparing yourself to others is like stabbing yourself. Nothing good will come out of it but pain.
The reason why comparison is a waste of your time is because you're going to compare the most negative shit in your situation to the most positive shit you see in the next person situation. There's no way you can find joy in yourself doing that. You'll kill your passion and drive to love yourself if you compare yourself to people.
Remember. The things that truly matter can't be measured.
Focus on your journey. God willing it's a long one and you need every bit of focus you have to live in the moments you'll experience.
This is simple. Pick up a new hobby. Learn a different language. Try a new restaurant. Go to a different gym. Just give new experiences a try. You'll say to yourself "Damn I'm a interesting mothafucka. I love myself even more!"
I do this all the time. If I feel I do something stupid or make a mistake I joan on myself and laugh about it. I guess it's my form of forgiving myself and not beating myself up about every mistake I make.
It allows me to realize I am human. I'm not perfect and that's okay. The love I have for myself not going anywhere.
Make a fire ass playlist and sing and dance to that shit. You'll be reminded of how much you fuck with your own great taste in music and pick out songs that really make you happy and feel good. Focus on the positive and appreciate how tight you are.
Good day? Write. Bad day? Write. Every emotion. Every feeling. Write it down. The qualities you love about you. The qualities you feel you lack. Get everything out of your system and put it on paper, a tablet, your phone, whatever.
This is a step towards you accepting and loving who you are.
How we view and use our pasts determine our future and how we're living in the present.
If the past still has a hold on you in a negative light then you'll never fully love yourself until you come to terms with it. You have to accept that it happened. Forgive. Move on.
Smoke some kill. You love yourself and you deserve it.