Cherish Bruno Mars while he here. One of the last few PERFORMERS we have left.
Migos didn't say "MUMMA!!" while excepting their award. I was sad.
Leslie louder than Meek Mill whispers.
Who the fuck dressed my Uncle Ralph? My nigga you sang "If it isn't love" so dress like it.
Chance The Rapper is not new.
Dear Post Malone.. Hand over the Austin 3:16 vest to Quavo he's the rightful owner you vulture.
My fav thing about watching bet awards is putting on the close captioning and counting how many times it says "inaudible" when rappers perform.
The Conveyor belt was the dumbest shit ever. Fire whoever thought that was a good idea. You know niggas outfits are always extra.
90's r&b always saving shit and Tamika Scott can get pregnant. Giving her this dick finna be a breeze.
Mary J Blige not dancing? Fuck is this shit? I'd still hit that hurt ass tho.
The Braxton sister face is pure plastic and she is lip syncing. Love yourself children.
I wonder if Aaron McGruder is watching.
I wanna see Chief Keef's version of the BET awards just once for research purposes.
Kamasi Washington finally got some shine. The George Michael tribute wit El Debarge was one of the top performances of the night.
Ronnie DeVoe is in his 50's and he looks younger than the nigga that played him in his biopic...... KING SHIT!
Ralph REFUSED to take that hat off. Rosa Parks REFUSED.
The show should've ended after New Edition performance. Cancel Christmas.
They Fucked SZA set all the way up and "Love Galore" edited sounds so fucking different. Takes away the soul of that record.
Dear struggle rappers.... Asahd performed in front of more people than you ever will. He's not even 1.
Good job Leslie Jones
Good Night.