Your life is about purpose. Everything in your life is about purpose. Everything. Your job in life is to support that purpose. Very simple words. Complex to execute. Takes discipline to get rid of distractions that interfere with your relationship with your purpose.
8 things about purpose though.
Naw forreal tho. How many L’s you have to smoke cause you’re gonna be counting the endless L’s you’re about to take and you’re gonna need as much weed as possible. Pussy too if you’re a guy, lesbian, or bi and vice versa. This is what finding your purpose is, it’s what you’re willing lose a lot for and continue to cry, smile, and get right back at it. You get turned down for opportunities. Your work doesn’t get noticed. You don’t have much of a social life anymore. You can’t be in a relationship. Your things aren’t selling. Those are all losses. Some are sacrifices. If you’re willing to keep going despite all that then the shit you going after just might be for you.
If you don’t put no effort towards anything meaning if you’re okay with not going the extra mile for shit you create then it ain’t for you. I knew writing was for me when I noticed that a day wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t write anything. Once I saw myself being consistent and it didn’t get tiring or boring that’s when I knew it was my purpose.
What I notice is that the shit people come around you the most for is likely what your purpose is. Nobody gave a fuck gave a fuck about any rap music I made. That was God telling me “Nigga release those struggle rapper shackles and be a productive member of society” and shit got cracking after I quit that shit. The things you don't force and get a lot of love for is what is in the stars for you.
I was writing a script one Friday night and I started it at 6:30pm. When I write I get up from my desk like 73 times and walk around talking to myself saying shit like “Aye nigga your pen game is too efficient and wavy sanchez. You’ll be seeing Rihanna's titties in person in no time.” Basically predicting the future and then I sit back down and write. By the time I look up at the clock it’s 12:51am and I’m like "well ain’t that some cool shit?” I missed everything most likely, every show, event, etc. I probably wasn’t going anyway because I love me some me time and I dislike humans. If you do this often when you create things then you were meant to do that shit most likely.
Does what you want to do solve a problem and do you have fun solving that problem. This shit I’m writing now is solving a problem for people having trouble either starting or finding their purpose and I’m writing this shit while eating frozen Thin Mints listening to Blackstreet. Nigga I’m having the fucking time of my life while changing someones life. Find a void to fill and have fun filling that void.
Don’t be a bitch ass fake ass nigga. What do you stand on? Like as a man or woman what do you truly believe in your heart and in the center of your being? Do whatever creatively that aligns with that. If you can’t express that through whatever you chasing then it’s a waste of time and probably does more harm than any good.
You know how you meant to do something? If you don't give a fuck about the risks it takes to be great at it anymore. Some people used to do certain things but there was a limit to how far they would go for it because deep down in their heart it wasn't worth it to them. They moved on to something else and their mindset is different for that because it's truly meant for them. If you know you about to go through hell just to get the smallest victory for what you create and you do it without hesitation that means you've struck gold.
Through writing I've met people I never thought I would meet. I've gotten compliments from people who I thought I'd never hear from. I've just met so many great people and that tells me that this is where I belong. When you walk the path that leads you to good genuine people that's the path you need to stay on. If you think to yourself "If you wasn't doing what you're doing now you'd probably never meet this person or that person" then it's your purpose.
If you were to die a month from now what would you regret not doing? Shit scary to think about but think about it, answer it honestly, then do whatever the answer is.
Do whatever can get you free food. Really.