Here are 16 ways for you to have inner peace. Count it again just in case I miscounted. My fault if I did.
Fuck Revenge. Everybody always feel they have to get they lick back. I rather hit a lick and double back. I’ll run up some success and go about my business. The best revenge is moving on. Moving along seems to burn people souls more than paying attention or giving a spotlight to the fuck shit they choose to do. Leaving niggas alone with no negativity involved will bring the bitch outta them every time. So if you DO want to get revenge because someone wronged you, the best way to go about it is be happy and move on.
Understand that all these niggas weird. Once you understand and accept that all these niggas weird and their behavior had nothing to do with you then you’ll go get a chicken plate and charge it to the game.
Resentment always keeps you off balance. When you move with resentment you relinquish control of self. Only thing you should resent in life is Juvenile for not rapping the intro on “400 Degreez”
Be bold and decisive about your goals. Just go for em. Being passive about what you desire will fuck with your inner peace.
If you ain’t got shit to give then you ain’t got shit to give. If you not feeling shit and you need to be alone then be alone. You’re not doing yourself any favors if you have no energy to give to people or things and you try to give something you don’t have. When you have no part of you to give that’s when you give your attention to all things positive. That’s how you fill your meter back up to be able to give back.
You not Master P. There’s gotta be limits. You gotta put limits on everything. People like to try their luck with people they feel don’t put a limit on things.
Keep a reckless but responsible friend. Yes they exist , yes they can do both, and yes they teach you about yourself which brings you inner peace.
Control how you respond to everything. Sometimes not letting people know what you saw or peeped is the better decision.
Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up and sit in silence and actually hear yourself actually exist. This what peace sounds like.
Stay away from people who say “I Match Energy” they lamer than restaurants that’s stingy with the sauces. People who say “I match energy” can seriously go to hell. You’ll find no inner peace around them.
Treat history as history. Shit happened but it’s not defining you. All you can do is study it and if you study it too much you’ll warp everything you’re doing now. Who the fuck cares about studying history anyway. I failed that weak shit for a reason.
Stop trying to fix shit with the same mindset that broke it. If I keep running the same play and the defense has the play figured I’m not going to score now am I?
Be understanding but realize you won’t be understood by everyone.
Keep your mind open and don’t attach yourself to anything.
Never let weirdos put you in a bad position with yourself. What’s real won’t stop you from healing and loving yourself.
Only change yourself. Never attempt to change anybody. You have a better chance interring to get me not to care about titties than change anybody.
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