


Okay this shit is boring now. There is great acting. These are all phenomenal actors but as the season progresses it’s clear to see that a second season was forced. After this there shouldn’t be a third season. They should’ve went out on top after a near flawless adaption of the book and left it there. HBO got greedy since the ratings were really great and forced another season. I don’t know where to begin. 

First Mary Louise. The first two episodes she was entertaining but now she just wears down everything to the point where I think about fast forwarding through her scenes. The big fake ass teeth. The fact that no one calls her out on her bullshit makes it so boring. There is no sort of pushback. She’s an old boring ass bully. Celeste finally slaps the shit out of her but Celeste falls right back into the same apologist bullshit. It’s basically the same form of abuse she went through with Perry but now Mary Louise has taken Perry’s place and doesn’t hit Celeste but instead implies she’s an unfit mother, a liar, and an addict. It’s the same shit but in a different form. If you want to have Mary Louise as the villain quit fucking around and just make her evil. There is literally nothing to Mary Louise. She’s a one trick pony. She should try to make all these women lives a living hell but she’s only focused on Celeste and maybe Jane. The fact that the characters are giving her the time of day insults my intelligence as a viewer. She pops up at people’s homes and jobs unannounced. She insults everyone underhandedly every time she speaks to anyone. If you want the bitch be to be evil then go all the way with it. It’s like they have Mary Louise tap the gas pedal with her foot and then quickly let her foot off the gas when confrontation arrives. Don’t imply Celeste is an unfit parent. Fucking tell her that she’s an unfit parent and that you’re going to take the kids and there is nothing she can do about it. There’s a difference between me hating a villain and me thinking a villain is annoying. If I hate a villain that means they’re doing a good job, I believe that they’re evil and they’re making the show or film better with their presence. If they’re annoying they’re not adding anything to the show or film. Mary Louise is annoying. We already have one court scenario with Renata and Gordon. Now we have another court scenario with Celeste and Mary Louise. How fucking exciting. 

I do not see Madeline’s purpose in this show. She might as well be a ghost. She’s a clear case of they’ve squeezed all the juice out of her character and it seems like she’s just along for the ride at this point. Her letting Ed find out she cheated was her highlight and there hasn’t been anything since. The PTO speech wasn’t great it was predictable. Ed is in the same boat where this guy should be fucking bitches all over Monterey but he’s not. He’s this nice smart ass guy and his idea of getting back at Madeline is staying in the house, sleeping in the same bed and giving her the silent treatment like a fucking 4 year old. When in reality he looks like a fucking idiot. This man was betrayed by his family. His stepdaughter knew about Madeline cheating and he didn’t. Ed should be out here on savage behavior but instead they’ve played it safe with his character. Take a risk with Ed. He already boring before he found out he got cheated on. Give us some payback, some revenge, something out of character for him. This was their chance to make him interesting. He has the personality of a congress hearing. All he does is just make these snobby ass insults to Madeline in the scenes he’s in and that’s it. He acts like a bitch. At first it was funny but after seeing that he’s not going to get worse and that’s all he’s capable of, it’s disappointing. 

I don’t even give a fuck to even comment on Jane’s role in the show. Boring as fuck. Don’t care. 

Bonnie’s story is actually entertaining especially now knowing that she grew up in a dysfunctional environment and it’s spilling over to her adulthood. The behavior of her father was sad as he blamed Bonnie for being responsible for his wife’s stroke. Her mother foreshadowing what we assume is Bonnie’s death is eerie and her having a stroke because of that very vision was eerie also. Her situation is interesting because she’s fighting so many battles at once. She wants to tell the truth about killing Perry and she cannot live with it. Her marriage is suffering. Her relationship with her parents is strained. There are so many variables involved in Bonnie’s story that will at least keep you tuned in. 

Renata is also interesting because you’re seeing someone who is obsessed with status, power, money, entitlement and it’s all being stripped away from her piece by piece and she sees the plane crashing but she refuses to eject from the plane and use a parachute, land and start over. So knowing the crash is coming keeps me watching and interested. Gordon is clearly going to prison. Their daughter clearly needs psychiatric help. Renata refuses to be any help because of her dreams and her selfishness which makes her a compelling character. Plus she’s the funniest out of everyone. Her view of life is hilarious which causes her to do funny shit. The bankruptcy meeting was hilarious and the highlight of the episode. Mr.Henderson from Smart Guy took all their shit and enjoyed it.

This episode wasn’t good. It’s gotten to the point where this show has gotten redundant and wash rinse repeat every episode. They meet with each other, talk about the lie, and lie to their kids. Nothing surprises me. I’m not captivated by anything. Except the 2 characters I mentioned and the kids. The show just exists. It clear to see this season was not needed. End this shit. 
