Here are some health tips for people who wanna get snatched bodies this year and stick with it.
Hop out of bed. Pray. Do 20 pushups. Gets the blood flowing immediately.
Try to start your day with Green Tea. Not bottled Green Tea. Real tea that you have to make in your kitchen. Tea gives you a healthier jump start than coffee does. A protein shake with real fruit and veggies is a good option too because when you wake up your body is craving protein and it’ll give you a great start too. I start my day with a cup of water then green tea with a lemon. If I’m working out that morning I have a protein shake with berries and a banana. I eat small breakfasts so one day I may just have tea and fruit other days I may have egg whites and fruit or oatmeal and fruit. Stay away from Starbucks at all costs. Not only does it burn a hole through your body it’s burning a hole through your wallet.
If you’re not exercising more than 150 minutes a week. You’re not getting anywhere. Seriously.
Your body is a weight. So if you don’t have a gym membership or access to weights you can lose weight or even gain muscle by doing super simple workouts at home. If you do 100 pushups, 50 squats, 50-100 sit-ups a day and eat right you gone look nice. Pretend you’re locked up. What exercises would you do while in a jail cell? Crazy to think about but why you think so many people come home from a bid swole?
Separate your workouts. For example my week in the gym looks like this
Day 1: Legs and Shoulders
Day 2: Chest and Triceps
Day 3: Back and Biceps
Day 4: Core/Abs and Cardio
Look up different workout regimens and start there. Write them in a small notepad or in the notes in your phone and bring them with you while you workout and just go through every workout.
Weight loss is made in the kitchen. Flat stomachs are made in the kitchen. Abs are made in the kitchen. Your eating habits are 90% of your weight loss journey and exercise is 10%. You cannot escape that fact. Doing only crunches and core work everyday won’t give you nice abs. If your diet is trash you can exercise 2 times a day 7 days a week and you will not lose any weight or see any results. Every time you fuck up your diet you cancel out what you did that day. I can exercise for 2 hours and come home and eat a box of mike n Ikes and that will cancel out my workout that day and I’m back at square one. On a treadmill the average calories burned by just running one mile is like 118-122 calories. That’s the equivalent of one biscuit. So if I ran a mile and came home and ate one biscuit I just wasted my time running. The margin for error with diets are slim that’s why a lot of people can’t do them. It really test you to see if you have discipline like you think you do.
The days you aren’t exercising are CRITICAL! A day off from exercise means you really have to stay on top on what you’re eating and drinking. A lot of people have a day off then think they can just eat whatever and then work it off the next workout. NO! You’re hustling backwards and will probably gain more weight. If you stick to your diet on your rest day then when you go back to workout you’ll have more energy which will lead to you burning more calories and it will make it easier for your body to burn those calories.
All calories aren’t created equal. Junk food that’s 100 calories and fruits that’s 100 calories are not the same thing. One is going to effect your blood sugar level in a negative way. The other will give you actual nutrients that will serve as fuel to workout and energy to workout.
Your body needs fat. Good fats. Like 2% yogurts, avocados, nuts, Eggs. Etc. The reason your body needs fats is that it helps absorb nutrients. So buying a bunch of things that are fat free isn’t really good because they replace the fat with either a ton of sugar or a ton of salt.
Carbs are the same way. Our body needs carbs. You can’t cut carbs from your diet. Veggies are carbs. Some fruits are carbs. Those are Complex carbs. Those are great. Packaged bread, cookies, cakes, those are simple carbs. Those are terrible. You can still eat bread just stay away from the sandwich bread. Those are high in sugar and a lot of chemicals that you can’t even pronounce and that’s why they take weeks to go bad. If you’re going to eat bread get it from the bakery section. Healthy bread will literally go bad in 2-5 days. That shows you that it’s the healthier option then the other bread we’ve eaten all our lives.
Diet sodas are trash. Diet anything is trash. Bottled tea is TRASH! Bottled juice is TRASH! If the tea isn’t made on the stove then it’s not for you, leave it alone. I used to be a big orange juice drinker until I saw how much sugar is in it. Sugar is in like 80% of everything in grocery stores. When you see the diet version of anything just remember that it means that product is loaded with additives and preservatives in it. The zero sugars that they say aren’t in it are just replaced with synthetic ingredients which are WORSE than normal sugar. Those synthetic ingredients mess up your body more than regular sugar. You’re better off just drinking regular soda if that’s the case. Water, Tea, that’s it. If you want flavor add mint to your water, fruit, cucumbers. That’s what you should be drinking 90% of the time. Not saying a drink with sugar once in a while is the end of the world but if you constantly drinking drinks with sugar in it you’re not doing your body, skin, or face any favors.
Everybody body is different but don’t use that as an excuse to eat bad. For example If I eat right for just one week I’ll see a difference in my body immediately. A lot of people don’t have that luxury. Now if you carrying a lot of weight then it’s different but if you really stick to a diet you’ll see a transformation fast.
You can’t pick and choose where you want to lose fat. You can’t target fat loss in specific body parts. So the love handles you have or the pouch you have you have to just workout and see what happens. It’s the same way reversed. If I eat a donut I can’t choose to make the fat go to my thighs. It lands where it lands. Working out is the same way. What gets transformed gets transformed.
A lot of people think they should just do cardio/running only to lose weight. If you only run and that’s all then it will take you longer to lose the weight and you will have to run a lot. Running is good for your lungs, heart, endurance, etc. There’s nothing wrong with running but it’s healthier to add strength training with it. Cardio only burns calories when you’re doing it. Weight lifting burns calories even hours after you’ve finished lifting. That’s why people that follow their diets and weight train 3 times week bodies transform at a good pace. So to make an analogy. Cardio is the player that only shows up when they’re supposed to. Weight lifting is the player that shows up early and is the last to leave the building cause they’re watching film. Both players can be successful just look at Shaq and Kobe. When your body is still burning calories after lifting that’s what improving your metabolism. Don’t just do one. Do cardio and weight lifting. You lose more weight combining them. Cardio is better at decreasing fat. Weight lifting tones you up and build muscle. You’ll get the best body if you include both.
Cheat days are fucking stupid. A cheat meals are stupid. Just take the word cheat out of it. If you’re out a taco spot with friends. Just eat the tacos. If there’s any healthy options you can have before eating unhealthy like a side salad then get the salad first to eat then eat the tacos. You’ll at least gets some type of carbs and fiber in you before you eat unhealthy.
Eating at night is not bad and doesn’t effect your status of losing weight. Calories are calories. If you’re eating healthy and it’s 9pm that’s not bad. I don’t know who made up the myth of eating after 7pm is bad but it’s not true. Now if you’re eating junk late then yeah that’s terrible but it doesn’t matter what time of day you’re eating trash. It’s going to effect your body negatively.
Always ice yourself down after workouts. ALWAYS. So whatever body part you worked on apply ice to it when you get home for an hour. It doesn’t matter if your sore or not. Apply ice. Take the warm bath at the end of the night. Always stretch too.
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