This shit is basically if King Of The Hill, Ozark, and Arthur the cartoon all fucked in a threesome and a baby came out of the equation. That’s basically Tiger King.
First I wanna say fuck you to every person in this documentary because I know all of you haver said nigger multiple times in your lives. Joe is from Oklahoma, has a handlebar mustache, mullet, and tucks every shirt he wears into his jeans so of course he walks around saying Nigger as much as I say titties.
The piercing on Joe Exotic’s eye brow was about as secure as a fitted hat on T.I’s head in 2004.
This shit is basically crackheads who own Tigers. The fact that crackheads ran a zoo is beyond my understanding I guess. This is white privilege at it’s finest.
If Joe Exotic was free and ran for office today he would win. That’s how stupid American citizens are. He’s just Trump with way less filter and no calculated trolling.
Carole is a woman you should be very afraid of. White, rich, stays in a relationship, and always plays the victim nor holds any accountability. She is fucking dangerous.
Anybody who trusts a white man wearing a durag under a Oakley hat and still wearing affliction t-shirts with rhinestones on em deserves to be in prison. Joe Exotic deserves that shit. Jeff Lowe could’ve pulled up in a Bugatti and I’d be like “BOY IF YOU DON’T TAKE I ONLY SHOP AT BUCKLE HEAD ASS ON SOMEWHERE.” Nothing screams I’m rich about Jeff Lowe. He’s a low level con artist who scams people who fuck their cousins. Nothing impressive about that guy.
Who else thought ligers only existed on Napoleon Dynamite? Just me? Okay.
Joe Exotic just proved my point that you’ll be pressed to find anyone more disrespectful than gay males. The shit he was doing on those internet videos was insane. Outta the 10 most disrespectful things I heard or seen in my life 7 of them came from a gay man. No lie. When they don’t like somebody nothing is off limits. Don’t believe me? Just watch a gay man argue with a straight woman he fell out with. He’s going to eat that woman alive.
Doc Antle really had 5 wives. That’s crazy I just wanted 3 wives but dude really had 5 wives and DIDN’T STAY WITH NONE OF EM! GOALS!!!! He still had hoes on the side of 5 wives. LEGEND!
Ol girl got her arm bit off by a tiger and came back to work in 2 weeks. See this is why jobs treat employees like shit now.
If you bring up my family member’s genitals at their funeral I swear you will be laying right next to they ass so you can see their balls in the afterlife. That was some of the most disrespectful and tasteless shit I ever seen.
Don’t lie when they first mentioned Meth you weren’t shocked. You were actually waiting for the meth to make it’s appearance.
I just wanna say I am very proud of the black community for not having a part in none of this nonsense. For the first time in history there is no way in hell we can blamed. I was just waiting to see a nigga named “Earl” “Bobby Caldwell” or “Walter” get interviewed and I ain’t see nan one. Proud of you niggas.
Joe Exotic made more diss tracks than 50 Cent’s whole career but I can tell he’s not singing none of this shit. No way that high pitch voice of his suddenly has a lower register in these diss videos.
Do not free Joe Exotic and throw all these weirdos in prison. All of them. Especially that fat white guy with the red hair. Can’t stand people who do dirt but quick to rat when things don’t go their way.
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