Aye it’s time to rate words.
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I hate this word and any variation of it used. Please find another word for the title of your boring ass vlog of your boring ass life. I’m gonna have to give this one a “fuck you outta 5”
I fucks with this word heavy. If you drop it in a sentence it’s letting these hoes know that you’ve done the calculations and the results in… you’re better than them. 5/5. Easy.
People misuse this word. They either associate it with people who are actually rated or overrated or associate it with people who absolutely suck. When it’s used right it might get a unsure Jay-Z head nod. 2 outta 5.
Sounds like a character on Ahh real monsters. I like the boldness of this word because it makes people cringe and if applied correctly I can’t stop laughing at it. I love words that make people cringe. 4 outta 5 on this one.
I’ll take pleasure in watching this word die a slow torturous death. This word just isn’t it. No rating needed.
Is it weird that I no longer have the energy for this word? I guess the people who abuse this word drain the most energy outta everyone they come around. It don’t sound cool, this word don’t slap, this word can’t go platinum with no features. 1 outta 5.
This word sounds like nice titties dipped in a fancy garlic sauce. Say this word on a date wit a shorty and your chances of eskimo kissing her pussy just went up 18% 5 outta 5 on this one.
I say this word a lot. It’s the Swiss Army knife of words. I use it to describe all people, places, and things. I feel it’s disrespectful to rate this word. We’re just going to give it a lifetime achievement award right now.
This the bird bitch of words. Fuck this word. I said it in a tweet the other day and still feel like I gotta take 8 showers. Again fuck this word.
This the Granny black pot with the white specs on it of words. It’s the starter jacket of vagina words. Remember seeing your Uncle and Auntie old club photos? That’s the feeling saying the word coochie gives you.
This a word for niggas who can’t fight. 0 outta 5.
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