


Love ain’t enough. Love has been hyped up my whole life. I’ve been lied to about love. It’s like how when you had to do those D.A.R.E classes when you were a kid and all they did was disrespect weed and told you it was the worst thing since crack. Institutions are experts of detouring enlightenment so the weed slander didn’t surprise me but the same thing was done with love. We’re taught to put love at the top of our list of important things in life and no one can give a reasonable answer why. You just have to blindly accept that love and being in love is supposed to be the most important shit. 

You know how many people I see look dumb daily because of love? There’s people that have been injured or even killed because of love. Love is too fucking broad for my taste because it can be easily manipulated. Now I know you may think that I’m this cold hearted individual who just wants to live on logic. Nah, I’m a very emotional person. Logic has nothing to do with this. It’s just me being real. You can receive love or be in love and not be happy. The fact that doesn’t alarm people is concerning.  

Here are things that matter more than love. 

Boundaries. I don’t care how much you love me. Without boundaries will just annoy the fuck outta me and I’ll resent you more. If you respect my boundaries I will value that more than you showing me love or loving me in general because boundaries are how I protect my emotional and physical space. How can you connect with anyone who doesn’t respect your boundaries but loves you? Love won’t be enough for you to connect and communicate. 

Trust. There’s people in your life right now that you love but you do not trust. So that puts trust above love. There’s people you don’t even care for and you trust them. It’s because of consistency. Their behavioral patterns are consistent. Trustworthiness dependent on love just sounds like a train wreck. Trust is already the most vulnerable part of yourself you can give to someone because you cannot control what they will do with your trust. If I don’t trust you then that means I feel anything I share with you is not safe with you. I can love you but I can love you from a distance. I can’t do that with trust.

Support. Compare loving someone to supporting someone. Love is what gets you in building. Support is what keeps you there and adds on important pieces. Relationships of any kind, business, friendship, personal, cannot improve on just love. You ever notice when people get drunk and they always tell you they love you and how much they love you? You ever notice that when you drunk giving you never give a “support” speech? Love makes people more depressed and anxious. Support actually decreases anxiety. Relationships of any kind with just love have no longevity. Relationships with support has happiness just chillin in them with no effort. 

Respect. I rather have mutual respect. We can disagree and it not go too far because the respect is mutual. I’ve seen people get talked to crazy by people who love them because the mutual respect isn’t there. You see this a lot with parent and child relationships when the child becomes an adult. Love is present but the mutual respect isn’t there which means no boundaries are present and respect is one sided. You have enemies that respect each other. That’s how important respect is. 

Space. Leave me alone and let me grow. Don’t overstay your welcome. I rather have space than love. 

The jig is up on love. Short. Sweet. That is all. 
