


Authority is bullshit. Creativity is freedom. 

Authority is a lie and isn’t based in anything real. 

For those who can relate I want to ask you something. 

Did you ever think it was weird that people in your life wanted you to place your trust in authority instead of placing your trust in your creativity? 

People didn’t understand you trusting yourself and alienated you for trusting yourself because you didn’t place your trust in institutions or authority. If you don’t conform you are the problem. 

If you don’t conform you cannot be controlled and if you’re not controlled you cannot be manipulated and if you’re not manipulated you’re able to have a healthy understanding of yourself and if you have a healthy understanding of yourself you’re able to see clearly who and what the problems are in your life and life in general. 

They alienate creativity because creativity is freedom but here’s the irony in this. For one to be sane in this society you have to alienate yourself from it. This is my “The more you know” moment. 

I’ve noticed that instead of alienating creativity now they shift the creators mindset to focus on the money instead of the creation itself. They seek to remove the caring from the artist completely. 

Creativity became undeniable. Millenials stopped applying for jobs. There were “Help Wanted” signs everywhere. They started using their creativity to create their own lives and freedom. So what did agents of authority do? Instead of leading a campaign against creativity they focused on finding different ways to profit off creativity and instill control covertly. 

This is what it’s about. CONTROL. If they cannot control you or your creativity You’re difficult. You’re a problem. You’re toxic. You’re a threat and danger to any industry. They are here to maximize control. They are not in the business of saving your soul or giving you enlightenment. 

They started turning creativity into a product. The product is authority. Once you allowed big business to determine that product is more important than the creator and creativity you gave them authority. 

I say this all the time about music. Mainstream music is 99% product and 1% creativity/music. It’s not about the music. It’s about the product. That’s why some fans get upset when an artist they loved listening to goes mainstream because once big business enters the picture the art is compromised and gimmicks are entered in the equation. 

Here’s the thing about gimmicks though when it comes to any form of art. Gimmicks don’t last. If you’re searching for a gimmick you have no soul. You can troll, prank, twerk, flash real or fake wealth but at some point all that gets old and the art you create has to stand on it’s own. Gimmicks don’t last. What lasts is when people remember the exact moment and feeling when they saw your painting. What lasts is how your DJ set you performed helped someone escape a situation for a moment in their personal life. Real shit last. Not Tik Tok dances. Not you doing dumb shit on camera in a Target. It’s the creation and what the creation stands for that lasts. We can cape for people all we want because a lot of our favorite people famous or not put a lot of bullshit into the world but it’s the truth. When you glorify the gimmick over the skill set you’re opening the door to people who do not care about creativity a chance to harm the culture the creativity resides in. 

When you prioritize the product over the creativity your focus will be to create for people who don’t like what you do. You start to force the round peg into the square and you go crazy. Creating is at it’s purest when something is created and people gravitate to it because it means something to them. It’s for them. Businesses who try to control creativity will always point you in the direction of people who do not care for what you create then tell you that you need to change and you do and in the process you lose your identity and the qualities that made you special from the beginning. They want you to be the same as everyone else under their control or someone else’s control. They don’t want your imagination to exist because then they will be exposed as the snakes they are. 

When you create you’re against the laws of control and the laws of nature but that’s what makes creativity real. You get to take the chance to make a mistake and the chance to create something unique. True freedom. 
