I was out at this lounge looking like 30 to go plates with the food touching and this cute woman started talking to me at the bar. The tequila is flowing and she’s a little tipsy asking me all types of questions and she reaches out to touch my face and I move back and I tell her “Aht Aht” don’t do that.
I don’t like nobody touching my face especially if I don’t know you or never had any type of rapport with you but the main reason I didn’t want her touching my face on that night is because her hands were on that dirty ass bar. Mam?? Do you think I’m handsome by accident? A lot of skincare regimen went to this face. My skin glowing like Angela Bassett at an awards show. I wont allow your D’usse soaked hands to touch my adorable cheeks.
After I wouldn’t allow her to touch my face she got really bothered and that’s when she said “I wish you new niggas wasn’t so sassy.”
In the back of my mind I knew that was the new “cool” insult for women to say so it shouldn’t bother me but on the other hand I also thought I should cuss shorty out but instead I smiled. I just smiled, took a sip of my drink, and said “Thank you. I am sassy.”
When I said that I could tell it really threw her off.
A lot of women use the word “sassy” to imply men are soft, acting like women or implying that we are gay. Do you know all my gay friends put that shit on, smell like chamomile, and make out with baddies for fun on a Tuesday? NIGGA THAT’S MY WHOLE FUCKING FLOW!!!! WORD FOR WORD BAR FOR BAR!! EXCEPT I’M A COOCHIE CONNOISSEUR!
Calling men sassy isn’t the insult women think it is. When women call me sassy it just shows me that I’m living my life at a standard they’re not used to seeing and I’m not tolerating their bullshit. When a man sets boundaries he gets called sassy. If a man wants to believe that he’s the prize, who are we to tell them differently? If that man wants to send you the lowercase “lol” when he is not feeling what you texted him, that’s their standard. If you don’t align with their standard then leave them alone and let them cook. If living life on my standards makes me sassy then I’m the sassiest mothafucka in these streets. I’m the captain of the Sassy Squad. I’ve heard it all…
“You Sassy”
“You stuck up”
“You boujee”
Yes, I am. I have feelings. I like reciprocation. It’s not sassy. It’s normal. First it was men are too nonchalant then when men set boundaries and express their emotions, it’s men are too sassy. Is it oochie wally wally or is it one mic?
I live my life a certain way. Green Tea, hikes in nature, mani’s and pedi’s, rolling trees while listening to D”Angelo on my balcony. Grilling meat. Wearing charcoal face masks while watching Hunter X Hunter. Making sandwiches that look like they cost $63 dollars. Using expensive olive oils in the pasta I cook. Sleeping on high thread count sheets and comforters. Let me give you an example.
I will never buy comforter sets or sheets from Walmart. I’ve slept with them before and they’re beneath my standards. Walmart sheets and comforters can’t provide the quality of sleep that I desire, therefore comforters and sheets from Walmart are not for me. I don’t judge anybody who uses them. They’re just not for me. Some may think that this is sassy behavior. I think it’s living life like a don.
I’m not moving backwards. You gotta understand I’ve seen a lot in my past. A lot of violence. A lot of terrible shit. I made a pact to myself to live my life on the terms I want. Live a life opposite of what I’ve experienced. I’m working towards properties with marble floors and pools filled with alkaline water I’ll never swim in. I’m all about living a peaceful life. You can call me sassy but I know yall say that shit to get me to move backwards. Running the streets. Smacking earth wind and fire outta niggas. What I look like fighting niggas when I got a silk shirt on, a baddie with the nicest titties in humanity on my arm and I smell like mahogany? Have you lost your mind? I’m living well and every minute is a moment.
I’m not here to judge how anyone lives their life or what they’ve been through in their past and you should too. Shoutout to all my sassy niggas. Let's drink these mimosas, take these spa trips, drink water with cucumber in it and tap into our wants and needs in healthy ways. Sassy Squad activities only.