My whole life I have been a black sheep. I’m always chill, low key, and out the way. I have social anxiety and I have to force myself to interact with people. Sometimes just saying “good morning” is overwhelming for me. I’m just a nigga who loves to shut the fuck up. Nothing makes me more excited than shutting the fuck up, eating chicken, and reminding people that I do not want them in my home.
The past 2 years I’ve been creating content mainly covering anime and my other nerd interests and I’ve received more attention than I’m used to. I didn’t think it would happen like this but I always told myself just stick to who I am. Never switch up how I move. If I stick to the code I live by then everything will be okay.
I started posting more on social media than usual and I think I’m a funny guy so I started to get more followers and more people knowing me and suddenly I’m a part of the black anime “community” on every platform.
Here’s what’s funny to me. I never looked at it as a community. I know what a community looks like. I volunteer where I’m from. I help build my community at home. We uplift each other. Help the less fortunate. Teach the youth. The thing they call community on the internet is just a bunch of niggas who like nerdy shit and a bunch of niggas who don’t really know each other. Yes we like the same anime and manga but that’s it. We don’t share a common goal. Just because someone likes the same things as you doesn’t mean they’re a good person.
This shit is a fandom not a community. The sooner people realize this the cooler life will be for them. If you want a community you have to build your own. People are trying to change people who are naturally bitch ass niggas and then label everybody else the same way because we all like anime. I don’t know them niggas. I got my own friends in this shit and I made my own little community. Fuck the racist ass bitches, fuck the misogynistic niggas, fuck the creepy niggas I’m not sharing no space with them. They are a part of a fandom. Not a community.
When these racist people talk shit behind an anime profile picture to y'all don’t group me in with them bitches by saying “the anime community is terrible” or “the anime community is toxic.” Spoiler alert this is every fan base and it won’t change. Find like minded people with the same ethics and interests as you and ignore the dumb shit.
I came with the mindset to fuck with people who I feel are genuine and form my own little circle. I’ve formed real friendships with people through anime and I’m thankful. I’m usually on some solo shit majority of the time. That’s why you rarely see me in lives, spaces, rarely get interviewed for things, I’m out of the loop cause I choose to be. I don’t know niggas business nor do I care. I’m not a nice guy. I won’t go out of my way to be mean to people but at the same time I’m not up in people's faces.
I don’t like roughly 97% of the anime fandom and I prefer that they don’t like me back. When I said in the beginning of my content creating journey that I want to meet people in the anime fandom I was fucking lying.
I don’t wanna be that guy. You know the “It’s not about the art no more” head ass nigga but it’s really not. This fandom is all about discourse. Very few people break down anime or manga. It’s either about who can beat who or this is better than this or relationship and gender war podcast topics disguised as anime topics. It’s full of people who think they’re bigger than what they are and trying their hardest to get as much attention as they can and don’t care at what or whose expense.
For example I can disagree with someone about an anime topic. I have no problem with having difference of opinion but when niggas turn that difference of opinion into personal attacks and trying to embarrass people and put on a show for the internet that’s the point where I look at those people as lame ass niggas and I want nothing to do with those people. If you are willing to show your ass for strangers on the internet that means you have no respect for yourself and if you have no respect for yourself then that means you wouldn’t have respect for me so why would I want to be near people like that? The moment I’m known for weird antics on the internet and not the content I create, that's when I know I need to quit because I’ve become a clown, a spectacle and not someone who carries himself with respect.
To anybody that reads this and you’re wondering how to be a part of the anime fandom on social media and you want to find more people to talk nerd things with because you kind of feel left out and want to feel a sense of community this is what I recommend. Find 5 people who you share the same morals with and just enjoy anime together. I promise you’ll be happy as fuck if you do it that way. You don’t need more than 5-15 people. I will never ask for acceptance from this fandom. Neither should you. If you have to ask for basic respect then why would you want to be a part of that? Build your own community with people who already respect you for who you are.
The people that you see in all the cliques and you think you’re not cool enough and you’re being left out, trust me you are in a better position and you’re the cool one. Those cliques are filled with drama, discourse, fake people and horny niggas trying to fuck each other. It’s not about enjoying manga. It’s not about anime. It’s just high school disguised as an “anime community.”
I know a lot of people on the internet don’t like me or pretend to like me and it doesn’t bother me but it’s not because I don’t give a fuck. It doesn’t bother me because I am really outside. I’m respected where I’m from and respected by every type of person you can think of. I can go back to the blocks I grew up on and get love and even outside of that I’m comfortable with who I am. The internet can leave tomorrow and I’m good. I have so many interests outside of anime, I’m a curious man so I’m always learning, I have a support system and I never been a bitch ass nigga. I never snaked people. I never had a falling out with a friend in my life. Always been respectful to people. I’m arrogant and I love the fuck outta myself for a reason. God loves me and I submit to God so I love myself as much as I can because the almighty has blessed me to do that.
I came into these anime fandoms on social media by myself. I already had the followers these niggas showing they ass for to try and get. I came with confidence. I didn’t need co-signs or an audience. Most important thing I came with was a genuine love for anime culture. The real community is in you and it starts there. Just keep building it around your love and integrity.
Love, Benny