There’s periods of time where we do not feel our best. Life hard as fuck and there are so many components of life that can cause feelings and thoughts about ourselves that aren’t great. Here are some reasons why you may not feel like you.
Sleep is your best friend when it comes to focus. I don’t know why people play with sleep. Everyone has their reasons but you have to dedicate time to sleeping properly. Sleep affects your physical and mental health.
The reason why people walk around irritable and can't concentrate or lock in on things is because their body hasn’t properly rested. You gotta give yourself a bed time like a 3 year old. There’s a difference between going to sleep at a consistent time no matter what and going to sleep based on what you have to do tomorrow. Those 4-5 hour sleep nights will catch up to you fast.
It’s as simple as sitting your ass down sometimes. Stop trying to be everywhere all the time. I’m a huge believer in resetting your body and mind. Go to work, eat halfway decent, workout and get 8 hours of sleep on the regular and you’ll be sharp on all fronts.
Your mind will be your worst enemy and will turn on you if you’re not getting proper sleep.
If you want to focus better, eliminate distractions, listen to DJ mixes on soundcloud, say “NO” a lot more than you have been, eat right, and put your energy into what’s really important.
Your anxiety is lying to you. Right in your face lying to you. The goal of your anxiety is to take away your peace in the present moment. Your anxiety is valid because it exists but it exists to put you in a cycle of fear that stagnates you.
The lack of sleep I talked about above is what will drive you to be more anxious. You’ll focus on everything negative more than normal. Negativity will have a hold on you and you won’t be able to let go of negativity either. It’s like you’re giving it a bear hug.
Add to the fact people will work hard at their jobs 8-12 hours a day and have poor eating habits and a lot of sugar while doing it so then of course when you’ve worked a long ass day you feel you gotta reward yourself with going out. You may take an hour or 2 hour nap then you go out and now you’re having drinks and smoking and you go to sleep late and you wake up early to work all over again. You’ve literally put your body and mind through so much and you’ll keep doing it because it’s become routine to you. Once you start thinking thoughts about yourself and how you feel about yourself that’s when you know your body and mind are beyond their limits.
You’re a 1 of 1. That’s a fact that cannot be disputed. Someone could look exactly like your DNA is different. Your life is not meant to look like anyone else's so it doesn’t make sense to compare your life to someone else’s life.
When you compare yourself to others you are feeding any spec of doubt in yourself and helping that doubt grow. You start thinking that you’re not good enough and everything you’ve done has been a waste of time. I’ve seen people who’ve done amazing things and still feel they haven't achieved anything special.
There’s someone right now that wishes they had everything you have and are working to achieve what you’ve already achieved. Someone out there admires you and the things you’ve done in life.
If you spend too much time comparing, you won’t spend enough time living.
When you’re overwhelmed you’ve given too much of yourself to everything. When was the last time you gave yourself to YOU? What about you? You’re starving yourself from yourself. You’re the most important ingredient.
When you spend time with yourself and get back to a good place remember that you have people who won’t let you carry your pain alone. Taking on more burdens doesn't make you better, it just wears you down. Your burdens should be a team effort.
Keep a routine. Living all over the place with no structure will do you no favors. Again a sleep schedule, yoga/meditation, meal plans, structure structure structure.
Set boundaries so you lift as much stress up off you as possible. Set boundaries on yourself and others. You need to protect your mind and your peace.
What would the world be without your perspective? What would the world be without your voice? There’s people that need to hear and see your experience. You belong. You’re not a fraud. There’s nothing lucky about what you’ve accomplished. There is no reason to feel guilty for any success you have. It’s all about cause and effect. You arrived and did what you were supposed to do and you were rewarded.
There’s no need to place high expectations and pressure on yourself. Acknowledge the great things you’ve done for yourself and others and know that you’re allowed to celebrate yourself just like anyone else can.
Small mistakes and missteps are a part of life. Never dwell on mistakes. It’s just more of a reason to continue to invest in yourself. Acknowledge the mistakes, remember you’re enough, move forward and get back to what you love and enjoy in your life.
Love, Benny