My Beautiful Friend/Queen Nico
Dear Black Women,
I love you. They fear you. It's important I tell you those two things before I write another sentence. As a black man living in America I know my life isn't worth much here. It's whatever. I'll fight for my freedom until the most high tells me it's time. As Minister Farrakhan has stated "A Lion never stops being a Lion. It's a Lion until death." I can deal with it but I can't overcome it without the help of your strength. I never understood that until these last couple of years. Allow me to apologize to you before I write another word. I've put down my black queens in the past. Uplifted other races of women over you to make you feel inferior. I've called you bitches, hoes, and other derogatory names mainly through music. I've sat silent watching our people and other people put you down and didn't come to your defense when you needed me the most. I've even joined in on insulting you sometimes. I've help contribute to your oppression which makes me just as bad as any villain walking this planet. I ask for your forgiveness. I am nothing without you. I am here today because of a very strong black woman (My Mother) and she raised me to be the strong, awkward, goofy, man I am today and there was no excuse for my actions over the years. I am truly sorry.
You've been mistreated for hundreds of years and it's time to speak the truth. It's time to sing your praises. You don't hear it enough and as a black man I'm going to help change that. I really believe you are god on earth. I believe god is a woman and I believe you were placed here as the highest extension of the almighty. You can carry life. You can nourish life. A black man can't bare that pain. Only you can. You are our crown jewel. Your skin is rare. Your hair is rare. Your smile. Your radiance. The most precious creation my eyes have ever seen. I'am blessed to be in your presence and I finally understand that. We do more wrong as men and you are STILL there to defend us, cater to us, and love us no matter what. We can't do the same because society has brainwashed us to believe you're not good enough. They make it seem as if you're sin. It's rare that a black man sometimes get the benefit of the doubt but as a black woman EVERYTHING is your fault. Everything that's wrong here they throw the blame in the black woman's direction. If a black man fails at something society automatically looks for a black woman to be the reason of his failure. If a black woman is raped like she has been for hundreds of years. Before anyone feels any sympathy for the black woman, they look at what she could've done to prevent it and berate her by telling her it's her fault for putting herself in that position and situation. A boat can sink in the ocean, or someone slips on a banana peel and somehow, someway, the black woman will be at fault. I'm here to tell you it's not your fault. I'm not letting anything slide anymore. White men used to KILL black men for even looking in a white woman's direction and those same white men would rape and kill our black women and we wouldn't do shit. As black men we need to show there will be consequences for any man who touches you in ways that you're uncomfortable with, disrespect you, anything that isn't right. You are vital to the growth of our culture. You're strong enough to protect yourself. I don't doubt that for a second but us black men must step up like men supposed to and shield you from as much pain as possible. You must be protected not because you're weak but because you're special.
As time goes on, the more self hatred I see. It's real. Real sad that is. The hatred is something that has been in place since slavery. It's never gone away it's just evolved. They telling you dark skin is ugly. They say "I don't date black women!" Well good, that's more black women for me to love. It's their loss. It's nothing wrong with dating other races of women but these confused, weak, men can't say or do that without insulting you and putting you down in the process. It's childish and unnecessary. A black woman says she wants to change her life for the new year. Who are the first to put you down? Black men. Every time you want to better yourself and right your wrongs the men who are supposed to support you and protect you are the first to doubt you and insult you. I couldn't imagine logging on to social media or watching television and seeing you tell me everyday that men of other races are better than me, look more handsome than me, and more tolerable than me. We do that shit to you everyday and we not shit for doing so. They say you have too much attitude. Well fuck them! I LOVE your attitude. The attitude cop out they use is just a ploy to destroy your confidence so they can blind you with their bullshit. Your confidence is intimidating to them, and that's why they fear you. Every problem and flaw you have is blown out of proportion but when a woman of another race have the same problems and flaws they're praised for it. They think those same problems are "Cute" if any woman outside the black woman have those problems. White woman has an attitude she's confident and dateable. Black woman has an attitude she's miserable and undateable.
You wear your hair natural or braided, it's weird and unacceptable. Any other woman outside of the black woman wears their natural hair or braided it's groundbreaking. Black woman wears weave, she's ghetto, she's trash, she's frowned upon. White woman wears weave it's not even discussed. Black woman wears makeup she gets slandered and dragged through the mud. A mixed woman wears makeup she's a goddess. Black women dye their hair different colors they're deemed as classless and immature. White women dye their hair it's edgy and bold. You see all these ass shots being purchased? All these lip injections? These women are trying to be YOU! A few years ago you were insulted for having curves, ass, and big lips. Now all of a sudden it's the "In" thing as long as it's on another race. The black woman is the most imitated woman in the world but the most disrespected. The most neglected. The most unprotected. Look at these television shows, the black woman's integrity always has to be compromised in order for them to be the star of the show. She has to be promiscuous or a mistress to stand out. Thank god for shows today like "Black-ish" which shows a strong black woman with a great career and family without implying that she slept her way to the top. Look at the missing reports of little black girls or black adult women. No one is upset or in a rush to find them but if they were white girls, the earth will stand still until they're found. I never understood the hatred. Why are you a threat to people? Seeing men say "You know you're a successful black man once you get rich and marry a white woman." Hearing things like that today really upsets me. I used to joke around and say shit like that too and I was truly playing around but I've learned even as a joke younger black men who look up to me could think I'm serious and take that and run with it. You can love whoever you want to love and not put anyone else down in the process. It's possible.
Thank you for all that you do. I appreciate you so much. I love you so much. Please stay strong. Please continue to be the black beautiful queen you are. Please continue to love yourself in the presence of hate they throw in your direction. Don't let anyone or anything put you down, and just know if you need me I'll be there for you like I'm supposed to be.