As a bonafide nerd I'm happy that this year is probably one of the greatest comic book movie years we will ever see. Deadpool kicked it off and did not disappoint. Cant wait to get that on Blu-ray. Civil War is around the corner. Already have my tickets for that. X-Men is approaching. The Doctor Strange trailer almost made me faint. Okay that's all Marvel. I know. D.C doesn't have much in 2016 because they've just begun their story. I was very excited about "Batman V Superman" dropping. I mean, it's 2 of the most polarizing superheroes in comic book history in the same movie. It's never been done. It's history. I read up on the movie for 2 years before it's release and it really had a lot of hype behind it. I've seen it twice. The first time I felt it was okay, it could've been better in terms of the storyline but I felt it was okay during my first watch. The second time is when I knew that a movie that could've had so much promise was just very average. It was supposed to be a movie we would talk about for years and years. It was supposed to be a classic. Instead it just came and went. It didn't live up to the hype. Afterwards I still had faith in D.C after seeing it because it's early in their universe. It was only the second film. They're just beginning. They haven't felt out their fans yet. I'm praying they will learn what works for the universe but some recent things have me concerned for the future of the D.C universe films.
I know some will say that BvS grossed over 800 million worldwide what do you have to be worried about Benny? Great numbers if the budgets were low, but with the budgets for production and marketing collectively being up in the $400 million range that is not good. Look at this image below that shows the numbers in America. We saw the celebration of it being the highest opening weekend ever for a superhero film but look at the drop off. If you know numbers or hustling in general then you know that is not good at all for a film with the hype and heroes that BvS had. Almost a 70% drop off in the 2nd week and it keeps falling. This is unheard of for a film that huge and with that huge of a budget. It's not the critics just speaking. The masses are speaking and they're saying they don't like this film. Let's look at Deadpool. The movie "Deadpool" made 16 million and 10 million in it's 4th and 5th weeks in theaters. What makes it impressive is that it's Rated R so a lot of kids and parents did not see Deadpool. They left a lot of money on the table because of it's rating and still did outrageous numbers. It lived up to it's hype because it was a good film. BvS in it's 4th week made only 9 million. Deadpool's production budget was 58 million maybe 100 million max with marketing included and the movie grossed 758 million dollars. They did more than profit. They broke the fucking bank. What that does is set up the sequel for Deadpool in a win/win situation because if the sequel is good or bad the sequel will clear a billion dollars. I'll bet a house that the sequel with Cable making his long awaited big screen debut will do a billion in the box office.
Batman and Superman names are in the title and it shows there's conflict between them. Be real. It sells itself. This movie couldn't do under 700 million worldwide if it tried. Impossible. The key is to have great box office numbers and the fans (Hardcore & Casual) actually ENJOY the movie to come back and see it more than once and set up easier grosses for the follow up films and that is not happening for BvS. Like I said they're the most known superheroes ever, especially Batman. Batman will move units no matter what. He carried this film and most likely him and Wonder Woman will carry the future films. Wonder Woman really was the bright spot of BvS but my fear and question is. Can Gal Gadot hold her own for an entire movie? In all her roles she has minimal screen time. Will she be able to carry the film and keep us interested? A star has to be born on her first full film. From what i've seen, No one gives a fuck about Superman by himself. I barely give a fuck about Superman and I'm a geek so I know a casual fan wouldn't. Put Batman with him and you have the masses attention. BvS at best may barely reach 850 million which would be a flop for them given their production budget and the huge separate budget for marketing the movie. They have to clear at least a billion to recoup. The fact that the 2 most popular superheroes ever can't clear a billion in box office is very concerning given the overall astronomical budgets.
We then have "Suicide Squad." There's hope ladies and gentlemen! After I saw BvS I literally said "Well at least I have Suicide Squad coming this year." A movie I've been EXTREMELY excited to see. You know how many fucking years I've been waiting for my wife Harley Quinn? It's my most anticipated film for me personally this year. Suicide Squad is coming this August and they call a fucking emergency reshoot to make the movie more light hearted and humorous. Basically D.C panics after seeing the slander of BvS and how dull it was and probably says to themselves "Hey, we better make Suicide Squad like Deadpool/Iron Man if we want to stay in the game." No. No. No. No. Deadpool has his own niche. Keep the movie dark. Keep it gritty. I don't give a fuck about laughing or Iron Man like humor. People just want a good movie. Humor doesn't really matter. If it's a good film it's a good film humorous or not. People didn't dislike BvS because it was too dark and non humorous. They disliked it because they thought it sucked. Period. No one tripped off the fact it wasn't light hearted or super kid friendly. Nolan's Batman Trilogy was dark as fuck. Almost no humor except for The Joker's appearance in "The Dark Knight" and the geeks and casual fans LOVED the trilogy. Why? It's because they were good fucking films that's why! D.C for the love of god please stop competing. Just do you. All I ask is just work on executing the stories a little better. Nothing major. Don't change the entire landscape. The negative response to BvS has put so much pressure on the next 3 films and has the studio panicking. BvS was supposed to relieve that pressure and have the audiences excited to move into the next movies. The next 3 films are CRUCIAL for D.C's future. They have to be good films with good content.
I'm not asking D.C to stop competing because I don't think they can't make great films to compete with Marvel. Get the right writers, cast, execute the story right, and a great film can happen but they're reacting to Marvel's success when they don't need to and they're are rushing the story in their universe. It's like they're saying fuck making a good film, Lets just try to out sell and keep up with Marvel. A Justice League movie is slated for next year in November 2017 and the only character development we have seen is Superman and the next character after him that we get to see before that movie is Wonder Woman in June of next year. Affleck is rumored to get a Batman movie, Flash gets one, Aquaman gets one but they come after the Justice League movies. Right now the universe is looking like a cluster fuck all because they're trying to keep up and compete. Justice League I hoped would be a huge event. I want some build up. I want some anticipation. If you caught the last hour of BvS you can just see they were trying to rush the storyline. They jammed 2 MAJOR & POPULAR story lines in a 2 hour plus movie (Death Of Superman & Dark Knight Returns). Those 2 story lines deserve their own separate films. If they were separate films I'd bet my last dollar they'd both would be better than BvS and help D.C's film future way more. You also see Affleck trying to get the Justice League started immediately in BvS. I believe Wonder Woman is the one who gathers the troops in the comics but I don't really care. I'll live. I just feel the people behind the films aren't handling the universe with care. It's like they want this to be a pissing contest with Marvel, and rush, rush, rush, instead of making the best films possible.
Marvel is 8 years deep into their universe. It is pointless to compete with them because you're competing against time. They've had great films. Okay films. Shitty films during those 8 years. Point is, they've taken their lumps. Their box office failures and successes. They've worked out their kinks. They know what their audience wants now. Right now they're hitting their stride and are in such a pivotal part of their story line. They've built up their key characters. They've gotten out most of the filler and boring shit. Everyone is salivating at the mouth to see Thanos in action. We will have waited 6 years for his arrival when he makes his full debut. He's been built and hyped up. We will see Darkseid and Steppenwolf very soon. Those are huge villains and we have no build up for them. We would have sort of a build up for Steppenwolf but they deleted the scene out because they packed so much unnecessary shit in one movie. Seriously there was so much shit that could've been cut out of BvS it's ridiculous. Doomsday, an all time fan favorite was already fucked up because he was rushed now it's looking like it may happen again with more fan favorites. I just wish D.C would just take their time and build their characters.
D.C has a very dope universe and dope stories. Please stop competing. Fuck changing up and trying to be fun and light hearted. Just give us nerds a product we can be proud of.