I'll be the first to admit that I don't know shit about fashion. Nothing. Nada. Can't tell you the last time I even bought clothes or shoes. All I wear is plain black or white t-shirts and I have five flannels I rotate through. I'd wear the same shit everyday like Doug Funnie if I could. The cozy plain life is what the great lord wanted me to partake in so I just stay in my lane. I wouldn't even know the name of high fashion brands if it wasn't for me listening to "Fashion Killa" by A$AP Rocky. So I seen the flyer for Hassani St.Louis Spring/Summer 2016 and my first thing that popped up in my mind was that I never been to a fashion show. I've seen fashion shows on T.V once or twice. I always had a goal to go to fashion week dressed plain as fuck and somehow finesse my way onto the front row with a Pineapple Vess in my hand. Support my site so I can make that happen for the city. Anyway. I'm all for going to events that's foreign in my world so I said I'm going to support Hassani's brand. Plus he always showed my site love all the time so as a man I have give that love back. It's what the real does.
I pull up to Blank Space. I'm nearly wasted when doing so. Don't know why I drank before I came. When I'm super drunk I get really quiet because I'm trying to calm my buzz down to a tolerable level. So I chill outside for a while and luckily the wind was my nigga on this day so that was a huge help to sober me up a bit. I get cool and go inside and sit down.
TyYouGenius is DJ'ing and he's playing "Funky Ride" by Sleepy Brown and that's when I knew this evening is very appropriate for a non fashion broke boy like myself. Tall beautiful ladies I have no shot with but I will still shoot my shot at are everywhere. Maybe that's why I never been to a fashion show. Subconsciously I probably told myself "Nigga you 5'6. Stay your I cant get anything off the top of the refrigerator head ass home." Soon after I was sitting down chilling the first model comes out and she looks lovely. The outfit looks fly and she showing off under titty. I'm officially all in now. I like fashion shows now. There was side titty too. It was surely a beautiful night. One after another the models came down and I swear they got taller and taller and prettier. I liked how all the outfits shown were really calm but really edgy. They all had taste. If I had a woman I'd definitely want her wearing this brand. I know the footage of the models is going to be dope. I seen a lot of videographers get some really great shots. The models were flawless and did a outstanding job. I loved it.
Up next was the Q&A with Hassani and Joshua with Fashion writer Jaleesa Key (http://jaleesadkey.com) asking the questions. They talked about the collection and what influenced them to create what they create. Hassani was talking about Twill fabric. I only know it's a fabric because I googled it when he said it. So yeah. I learned something new. Hassani also talked about supporting and uplifting one another to help the city prosper. Something all St.Louis natives needed to hear. They want their brand to tell a story, be pure, and give us something to believe in. I definitely believe in these guys because the work they do does not look easy at all and a lot of time and sacrifice went into this brand. I'll sum this up with a quote from Hassani below.
"Everybody deserves the finest" - Hassani Hamilton
The merch was brought out for us to purchase and support. Free drinks were available along with free cupcakes compliments of Contrary Cupcakes. Those were good. TyYouGenius (Possible MVP) earned 5000 points for playing Kodak, Carti, and 21 Savage back to back to back. Seeing models rap the words and dance to "Broke Boi" by Playboi Carti is so breathtaking. So fire. Lst Mbrs closed things out with a dope energetic performance. The night was perfect and I enjoyed my first fashion show. Let's continue to show the Hassani brand love and get them overseas to represent for the city. Uplift the real.