I'm getting straight to the point. Checkout these blogs created by creative black women. Links to their sites are below every entry. Peace.
I’m the farthest thing from a professional employee. I’ve never worked in a office a day in my life or had a job that requires me to wear a tie. I don’t even know how to tie a tie without the assistance of YouTube. I’m a pure artist through and through. I can't picture myself in the corporate world or “Suitland" as I call it.
With that being said I know a lot of people who read my blog are apart of that world and Lemons 2 Lemonade is a blog I want my readers to enjoy. There are many great articles about staying positive in work environments. Making the most of meetings and interviews. What to do during layoffs. Just tons or great career advice.
My favorite article on here was “What would I tell my 18 year old self on graduation day.” I actually thought about this question after I read the article and I’m simply would tell the 18 year old me two words. “Be free.”
They’re from St.Louis.
I’m from St.Louis.
So that’s really enough reason for you to check them out and there’s no need for me to say much more. I’m going to anyway so…. yeah.
I enjoyed the articles I read on here. My favorite was the fake feminist article. I enjoyed it because I agreed with it but the song lyrics of various CLASSIC songs that women shake their ass to reminded me of a finer time in my life where I went to every teenage club in St.Louis and had my back against the wall for the majority of my time there getting twerked on by various women in jersey dresses.
Ahhhh when things were simple.
This is one of the most organized and creative blogs I’ve ever seen. I like how every article incorporates great photography, writing, and fashion. Every article is literally a inspirational lookbook. Every post is well thought out, genuine, and it’s just a joy to explore this blog. It’s very very clean. Execution is key and this blog has that. If you’re wondering how to put a nice blog together I’ll point you in The Style Idealist direction.
The first sentence I saw on this site said “I’m a Christian and I love trap music." It made me laugh very hard (Sorry if it was meant to be serious) but I envisioned someone in a therapy session saying that and crying their eyes out as if they’ve committed the ultimate sin. I dunno I just thought that sentence was funny.
Anyway. This blog is very interesting to me because the writer is really self aware and walking the line of playing the cards she’s dealt in life with a poker face but also always about improvement. I think we’re all like that as humans.
I really liked the “I was being stalked” article because it preaches what I’ve been telling other people for a year now and that’s just be consistent and if you really want to do something your spirit will respond to it and you’ll do it. I actually do write everyday. I put out 10 articles in one week. I’m sure someone reading this will say to me “Quality over Quantity.” Well everything I do is quality so that’s the end of that argument. The article also reminded me of when I started this blog a year ago. I was afraid I wouldn’t write often but once I started it just became second nature I didn’t even think about it I just wrote everyday.
Outstanding thoughts and self awareness on this blog.
This blog kinda touched me outside the realm of writing. I felt and thought about a lot of things. When I first read some of the articles I felt really bad and started questioning myself and wondering if I was a truly bad person. I also felt sort of jealous and wondered “Why can’t I be this good of a person?” I was judging a tad bit also. There were so many emotions.
Even though Me and Jasmine live sort of opposite lives I think I kept reading her blog because I wanted to understand her more. Why she’s on the path she’s on. How she got there. All of those things. One of the weaknesses of humanity is our inability to understand each other even though we’re different. It’s why a lot of hatred sits in people’s hearts.
I spoke at my younger brother’s wedding reception this past Friday and I told everyone I admired him because he wasn’t a follower like me. I did the drugs. I broke girls hearts. Physically hurt people. Praised gang life. I followed the bad crowds. I did the terrible things. He looked up to me so much when we were kids and followed me everywhere I would go and I was the only person he ever followed in his life. He stayed away from all the things I mentioned I was involved in as he got older. He was the good kid which isn’t the “Cool kid” in society.
In reality he was the cool kid all along. I wasn’t. I just figured that out after 28 years. He wasn’t afraid to be himself and I was. I wanted to fit in with people who didn’t have my best interest. This blog reminded me of that. It’s a beautiful woman speaking her truths and showing you that it’s fun and okay to be a good person. I used to make fun of people like her. Call them goody goody’s and tease them constantly. Jasmine and my younger brother are the kind of people you need to surround yourself in life. You’ll go far.
Oh Jasmine can dress really well too. She saucy.