Season 1 of Demon slayer just ended recently and it’s safe to say that the 5 foot 4 King Tanjiro Kamado has stolen all of our hearts. Nezuko too. Anybody who fucks with Nezuko I will personally give you all the SMOKE. I’m talking Uncle over the BBQ grill with a black and mild in my mouth smoke. Don’t try Nezuko. Here are things we can learn from the Demon Slayer Tanjiro Kamado.
As each episode of Season 1 aired I always wondered was there a time that anyone was truly upset at Tanjiro. He’s the sweetest mothafucka I’ve ever seen. He’s one of those people where you would try to make him mad at you just to see if he would get upset with you. Tanjiro is a very gentle soul and extremely kind to everyone he encounters and people like to be around him because his spirit gives people a sense of warmth. Kindness needs to be cool. We make everything cool but kindness and compassion. Tanjiro makes kindness cool. People often wonder why negativity spreads faster in society and it’s because we take people’s pain and plight and try to spin it into entertainment. We try to frame kindness as boring and unentertaining when the truth is that the majority of society is just sorry pieces of shit who have no other means of fulfillment besides acting like mean ass bitches. This world can be a cold but just kill em with kindness and keep it moving.
Tanjiro is a rider. Don’t get his kindness fucked up. You fuck with any of the people he love he’s on your ass. His whole reason of being a demon slayer is predicated on protecting his sister Nezuko who was turned into a demon. Tanjiro is actually protective of anyone who’s weak or being bullied even if he doesn’t know them. If there’s anything you do in life it’s protect your loved ones. Always be willing to be on the front lines for your people. Nezuko was going crazy as a demon and her heart still allowed her to protect Tanjiro from Giyu. If you can’t protect your loved ones I suggest you learn how.
When tanjiro sets a goal he becomes obsessed with it. He only has one objective and that’s turn Nezuko human again and beat the fuck outta the demon that murdered his family. The Demon Slayer shit is just a stepping stone that prepares him and brings him closer to that goal. He’s relentless when it comes to his goals sometimes to his detriment. He’ll fight hurt and put himself in risky situations. You gotta want your goals badly if you want to meet them. Don’t let anybody set your goals and understand why your goal is important to you and you’ll have a better focus. You can’t make it if you don’t commit. Be prepared to sacrifice and go all in like Tanjiro.
Understanding is the beginning of wisdom. Tanjiro has a great deal of understanding and the power that it entails. The world needs more understanding. Have you ever seen someone complain about someone in their life is to understanding? Of course not because it’s rare for understanding in these streets. One could argue that you need more understanding than you need love. You can be loved and still get abused and treated like shit. If someone understands you it’ll strengthen the bond and the love they have for you and will be less likely to hurt you. Tanjiro doesn’t have an ego so it’s relatively easy for him to have understanding for everyone no matter their background or where they come from.
This is the most underrated part of Tanjiro’s personality. He’s a very empathetic kid. Now in his line of work it could be dangerous but no matter what he’s always empathetic to situations. He has empathy towards demons. It doesn’t stop him from doing his job and killing them but we often see him align his feelings with the feelings that demon’s have while those demons are dying. Tanjiro uses empathy to see what’s causing that demon pain and why they are the way they are. Empathy is how you build connections with people. If you have and utilize empathy then it will be easier for you to control your emotions. It’s the key to helping people especially people who are depressed. They need empathy more than anything.
Sometimes it’s good to just dive into things but there comes plenty of instances that you will need to calculate your decisions if you want the best outcome. Tanjiro is the most calculated out of his friends. Inosuke is a fucking lunatic and doesn’t think about anything. Zenitsu makes courage the cowardly dog look like Gucci Mane. He acts in fear so he base his calculations on that. In anything you do always have a blueprint and a plan. If you can map it out then it will be hard for you to get lost.
Your nose gotta be on point just like Tanjiro so you can smell the bullshit and stay out the way. The bullshit for the birds.
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