Week went by quick as hell but here are types of relationships in life you’ve probably seen …..
When you have somebody who can’t be without you for 2 seconds. You gotta do EVERYTHING together. You can spend a whole month together and the one day you want for yourself it’s the end of fucking humanity and the previous month didn’t mean shit. Everything you do gotta be talked about then approved by this person. You can’t even go to work without them making a fucking spectacle. Like damn a nigga gotta pay rent! You gone pay this shit for me if I lay with you all day instead of getting to the bag? I just can’t be up under somebody all day. Once you in this type of relationship you won’t want to invite your partner anywhere. If you gotta keep your day a secret and all you’re doing is going to the post office that means you have no space in the relationship and your partner is annoying the fuck out of you. If you have to secretly take some alone time…. Leave.
You ever been in a relationship where your partner family and friends just don’t like you for no fucking reason and you never know why? You never did anything to warrant them disliking you so of course your natural response is “Well fuck you too.” Usually the case is because their family and friends were so used to your partner ex so they like “Damn I liked so and so I don’t feel like getting to know this new mothafucka.” So you never really get a fair chance. I remember my relationship ended with my ex and she started dating another dude and we was catching up one day and she was like “None of my friends like him they love you” and I was like “Damn that ain’t fair, they gotta give homie a shot. He might be cool.” Dealing with your partner family who not feeling you or the fact you’re dating their family member is 100 times worse. Your partner don’t care what they say which is cool but I guarantee your partner ain’t telling you what their family saying to them about y’all relationship or what they really think of you. One of my ex’s family HATED me for no reason. The fucked up part is that they knew I was a cool ass nigga. When she bring me around I’d have them laughing, I’d buy them bottles and deep down I know they was like “Damn buddy really cool as fuck” but niggas never wanna admit when they’re wrong so they’ll continue standing on not liking you. Fuck it.
Either both of yall got out of fucked up situations or only one of you just did either way somebody ass need to go sit they “I need somebody to keep me warm at night” headass down. These relationships never end well because they dumbass will realize they were just looking for a body and not an actual companion and then when they get over their hurt they realize “I really don’t like this mothafucka. I just needed somebody around” and then they hurt that person and that person goes and do that same shit to someone else and the cycle continues. Mothafuckas need to learn how to be alone because being with people out of fear of being lonely is the weakest shit ever. People self worth lower than stealing out your granny purse.
You ever see those relationships where people just be stuck and they may express it to someone close to them about how they’re unhappy but as time progresses they just say fuck it and deal with it. That shit is like quicksand. They try to fight their way out but after struggling for so long they just say fuck it and face the fact that they’re sinking. It’s crazy cause I was just watching The Deuce this week on HBO and there’s this scene where this woman who was a former porn star got married to a man who was a fan of hers and he was a multi millionaire and he said he’d marry her if she quit porn so she quit and she has mansions, unlimited money, no need to work, and she said she is miserable as fuck and she has the attitude of “Where else the fuck I’m gonna go?” There’s people who are in situation nowhere near that example and feel like they’re stuck and they will sacrifice their happiness and what they desire because they’re afraid leave a situation they feel they won’t find somewhere else. There may be more pros than cons but that don’t mean that one huge con can’t outweigh multiple pros.
I call this shit “emotional cheating.” Yes that’s real. This the type of relationship where somebody is with somebody they settled for but really wish they were with a specific person. I don’t know if yall been on the other side of this situation where someone is in a relationship or married and they still contacting you and you have no fucking clue why. First of all you have a whole partner to talk to. The fuck you talking to me for? Second, these people get caught by their partner doing this shit and their first defense is they didn’t fuck that person or meet up but they don’t understand it’s about the intent. If the police find blueprints of plans to rob a bank in your house yo ass still going to jail. It don’t matter if you didn’t rob the bank or if you were just playing. You thought about it. You entertained it. That’s the issue. If I ever get that bored in my relationship to play around that then that person not for me.
You ever have a friend who get in a relationship and they just completely change for the worse? Not towards you but you can tell they transformed to somebody they’re not. Usually what happens is that they sacrifice who they are just to be in the relationship. They tell you everything is good but you can see that they’re dying inside like “Save me nigga. This bitch don’t know how to play Uno and don’t know how to take a joke so I can’t be goofy.” It’s like the person they’re with molded them into what they wanted like Frankenstein. I don’t feel sorry for these people. Never change who you are to be with someone if it’s not for the better.
The relationship of constant reassurance. If you have to constantly reassure someone that means you’re in hell. I never want to be with someone who gets threatened easily. First I’m extremely loyal. Cheating not in me but regardless I need my shorty to have that “He ain’t going nowhere” attitude. I’m telling you from experience that an insecure relationship will literally having you wanting to stay single until the day you invite Donald Trump to a kickback. Which ain’t happening. I’d go to the bathroom for 2 minutes and she’d be in my phone while I’m in there and think I don’t know. Ain’t shit in my phone but Fat Dom Kennedy mixtapes. People in these relationships think it’s cool to always argue and start fights out of nothing. Then when I would act like an adult and just fallback here comes the “Oh so you don’t care? You must be fucking other bitches.” Can’t even ignore these weirdos in peace.
Okay now this the relationship that’s concerning. It’s a controlling relationship on all levels. Once your partner start isolating you from your loved ones that’s when you need to start the exit strategy. People get into this relationship and they partner be like “What friends.” Then they use guilt as a tool. They will act extremely jealous and paranoid. When you try to fix the issues they will disappear. They’ll be present in person but checked out mentally and it will leave you confused and asking “How the fuck did we get here?” They will take everything that is good about you and use it against you and break you down piece by piece and if you’re hard to crack or break they will threaten to do something to themselves. Control is more than just physical intimidation it’s very mental too. I’ve seen the strongest people pushed to the edge because of controlling relationships. It can break the most genuine people.
If they have Auntie and Uncle energy they were meant to be with each other. If they not giving off that vibe that shit not lasting. It don’t matter if they’re opposites or the same. When it clicks, it clicks. You meant for each other once niggas start to think y’all twins. The admiration outside of physical attraction will be there. The respect is there. You grow together and influence each other in positive ways. You trust each other. You’re always learning from each other. If you like who you with more than you love them that’s real. When you like someone you want them around. Love is great but you can put love on autopilot. You can still suffer within love that’s why it’s a complicated feeling. Once people think you and yours are relationship gurus and all yall really do is mind your business and understand what makes each other tick you’ve made it.
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