I thought I was a closed off nigga but Andrew is just a plain weirdo. If you date someone for a month and you don’t open up about anything that just leads me to believe that you’re a sociopath and controlling.
Neither Issa or Condola know how to embrace the situation and it’s because it hasn’t been talked about truthfully yet. A situation like the one they’re in needs a one on one lay it all on the table conversation. They need to established what they’re comfortable with and not comfortable with so they can work together without the unnecessary awkwardness. It’s really not that deep. It just needs that conversation
Molly is actually right by not feeling okay with their situation but she doesn’t know how to communicate it or set boundaries just like everything else in her life.
A bitch touch my asshole while I’m fucking I’m calling the authorities and getting a restraining order. I don’t want that demon within 500 feet of me. There will never be any booty buttoning on this side. One more thing…. these sex scenes with the TSA nigga are pointless now.
Andrew wants to see Summer Walker concert on his free time. Molly should’ve hung the phone up right there at that moment and hopped on amazon and ordered a new bullet. Any man who willingly wants to go to a Summer Walker show bites their ice cream. Again Molly is implying that she wants to talk and have a night full of meaningful conversation but she’s not TELLING him that she wants that. Instead she shields it with a “low key night in” to make it enticing for this Summer Walker Stan she’s talking to. All he envisions when he hears that is food, jokes, and coochie. Dude not thinking bout no actual conversation.
Taurean the ninja turtle looking mothafucka is a hoe nigga. I don’t like niggas who rude like that. Get this frozone from The Incredibles before puberty faced ass nigga off my screen.
This nigga Lawrence has zero confidence. This nigga is clearly shaken up. Unless your ex knows you’re a murderer or a down low nigga or something like that there’s no need to act bothered like this. The moment my ex ever talked to my current shorty that’s when I know I’m officially that nigga cause I damn sure ain’t talking about her with anybody. This just leads me to believe that Lawrence never talked about “Before Lawrence” with Condola. She only knows “After Lawrence” and he’s afraid that she’s find that out through Issa. Issa dealt with Lawrence at his lowest point as a man which was an inconsiderate unemployed couch potato. Glo-Up Lawrence came and The Lawrence Hive was born and Condola has only seen the good side of Lawrence.
My nigga Derek said “Every time I break up wit a chick I move” realest shit ever. My nigga leave the state like he caught a body lmaoooo!
A wise man once said “If there’s no play to make, you don’t make a move at all.” Until your name is dragged through the mud and has slander placed on it. You continue to keep a titty or clit in your mouth and mind your business Lawrence. The fuck you texting her for?
I don’t mind if one of my homies bring one of their homies to hang unannounced. As long as they ain’t a weirdo I’m wit it. I ain’t no territorial ass nigga. But HERE WE GO AGAIN with Molly not being vocal about it to Issa and saying “Hey I was gonna talk some personal shit with you tonight and I’m not comfortable with Condola knowing my business yet.” I would’ve said it when alone with Issa but I still would’ve gone with the flow. Other than that, Molly is acting like a kindergartner. Nothin new.
This nigga really met up with Issa about this shit. This shit does not require a meet up or message. What is this nigga Lawrence thinking????
So this chill date disaster isn’t Molly’s fault. This dude just a bitch. How you gone come into somebody crib but not tell them about your background or your family? Molly actually said the right things and communicated why she’s frustrated in a respectful manner and how it makes her feel which is something she NEVER does or she usually does poorly and this Fast & Furious stuntman lookin nigga got offended. When she tried to get him to open up he switched the subject to going to the concert which undermines everything Molly just did for their date which was disrespectful. He then tries to make Molly feel like she is unreasonable and annoying which she is but she’s not in THIS situation. She just showed him her siblings and he won’t even talk about his.
WHY ARE THESE NIGGAS TEXTING AND WHY HAVEN’T YOU TOLD CONDOLA THAT YOU MET WITH ISSA? THIS NIGGA BUGGIN. If the shit not that deep then why are you hiding it and haven’t told her? Condola asked this nigga if he was okay about it and he told her yeah when he truly wasn’t. Bet money Condola finds out they met up through his recent calls or text messages and jumps to conclusions. Watch. All cause both of them on some sneaky shit.
Molly actually took another step in the right direction by actually telling this 90’s R&B backup singer looking ass nigga Taurean how she feels. I’ll give this I just crossed in a fraternity looking ass nigga credit he is very blunt and straight to the point and brought it out of Molly.
Issa and Molly DO NOT know how to speak to each other which I wanna say is a flaw in the writing in terms of their friendship. If they’re close they should know how to let each other know when they think one of them is tripping. They bring up issues really disrespectfully to each other and are very dismissive. They should’ve been fought each other to be honest cause the talk to each other way outta pocket. Issa didn’t even really ask what did Molly say, she just immediately assumed Molly was the driving force that ruined her date and of course this Tekken character looking ass nigga calls Molly to apologize and it proves Molly wasn’t in the wrong. This was really telling because Molly didn’t even bother to tell Issa that Andrew apologized which would then make Issa look dumb. Issa then tells Molly about her fucked up dating life after criticizing Molly’s which made me feel like Molly may not be the problem of the future fallout that’s coming.
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