Let’s just start with the fact that The Players Club is one of the worst movies ever created. It is straight up ass BUT I LOVE THAT SHIT and I would hit that ass from the back. There’s so much black excellence in this movie. They even had Terrence Howard as a young mane. It’s one of those films I’ll love forever.
We used to have a drive in movie theater on the North in St.Louis and my uncle took me and my cousins to see it. Well we didn’t know we was seeing it he just wanted to get us outta the house that night. I seen Lisa Raye titties as a kid and I’ve been on the road to prosperity ever since.
One thing sticks out to me about this film 20 plus years later. It’s not the humor of the late great Bernie Mac as shiesty ass Dolla Bill. It’s not the fact that the villain name was St.Louis. It’s not the fact that Ice Cube of course has to portray himself knocking niggas out in 90% of his movies. It’s not that Ebony lil slim thick ass didn’t dance all movie and I’m still mad.
The one thing that sticks out is that Ronnie was the epitome of a bird bitch but a boss bitch at the same time. Bird bitch is gender neutral but I’m talking about a woman in this article so yeah.
Think of this article as a character analysis.
Ronnie understands men and understands how weak men are. She is the original City Girl. She sees men as a means to an end. If she blows her money her first and only thought is to make a nigga pay her double what she lost. She’s very mentally strong and sharp when it comes to the business she is in. One of my favorite parts of the movie is when she’s teaching and preparing Diamond for her first night at The Players Club and she tells Diamond “Let’s go hoe” and Diamond looks offended and she tells her “That’s exactly what they bout to call you upstairs so you better get used to it.” Ronnie understood how hypocritical the game is but used it to her advantage. Yeah she’ll be whatever you wanna call her but you still gotta cash her out. She a hoe in the hoe factory and if you’re so much better than her why you in there spending a check? Don’t matter if your clothes on or not. You’re still in the building. That mentality from both men and women judging people in the sex business hasn’t changed since. It’s seen as a low point if you’re in the sex business but the same people that judge and say it’s a low point are still watching your every move. If it’s a low point to get naked for money then it’s a low point to keep your clothes on and pay for it. You not clean either. It doesn’t just go one way. Ronnie took the hate that niggas threw her way and empowered herself with it.
This is the tea that a lot of niggas won’t admit. A lot of niggas only call women hoes cause they’re not either
A) Getting no pussy from the woman they’re calling a hoe.
B) Not seeing none of the money a woman making from being a hoe.
And that’s the tea. Niggas is jealous of bitches who get naked and get to the bag because they can’t do it themselves. It’s still like that TODAY. Ronnie was fully aware of that and that’s how she was able to do what she was doing UNBOTHERED.
Ronnie is a mentally tough but she has weaknesses. Ronnie is a character strikes me as a bird that wants anyone she deals with male or female to make fast money. She doesn’t care that you work at a bank, paid your house and cars off, you have zero debt, and make great income. The fact that you work at a bank is repulsive to her, she does not respect you, and she will do everything in her power to make you give her your checks. Now if you were a nigga who rob niggas and you make a little less than the the person that works at the bank she respects you because you’re putting your life on the line. Ronnie is image based. If it don’t look good or flashy she’s not associating with it. Clearly she hates Honda’s and anyone driving in them also.
Now Ronnie is the queen of hoe quotes and watching this movie grown as fuck I realized that she was saying some real shit in these hoe quotes sometimes. The famous and cliche quote “Use what you got to get what you want” isn’t bad advice. It can be applied to people who don’t work in the sex industry. Now of course from Ronnie’s view she’s implying “Aye you got ass. You got titties. You got pussy. You a walking gold mine and these horny niggas is CASHING OUT! You better quit playing and get you some.”
She is correct. If you go back to the beginning of time before the dollar bill was created or thought of. Men would give away their children for a crumb of coochie. Horny niggas are what probably killed dinosaurs. Dinosaurs didn’t just die. Horny niggas saw titties and probably killed all the dinosaurs and started giving dead dinosaurs to bitches as a gift. A horny nigga pockets are always deep even if they’re broke. A horny nigga will fuck up their life faster than a crack addict will. Horny niggas have no rationale. Horny niggas have no shame. Horny niggas do not know embarrassment and are mentally incapable of understanding when a boundary is crossed. Horny niggas are literally gremlins. You ever wanna go to a dark place that might scar you for life? The next time you watch porn just read the comments section. Horny niggas will say shit you never thought could go together in a sentence. Read an Only Fans comment section. It’s not even thirstiness. It’s loneliness mixed with fantasizing. A woman can start an Only Fans account and not even get naked and just talk to niggas through the site and get paid for it. Another Ronnie hoe quote was “Closed legs don’t get fed” That ain’t true shorty. If you know how to get paid off horniness you will never go broke or need to open your legs and have someone put something between em.
Ronnie’s a go getter but her issue is that she was not a long term thinker. Bird bitches think and equate money in minutes and hours and not in years and decades. You supposed to look at your money in quarters. See how much you pull in per quarter and spend and invest your money with that information in mind. Ronnie doesn’t have the patience to think like that. She gets fast money but she doesn’t invest or make the money work for her. Yes you can make horny nigga money forever. It’s easy to make it but do you truly want to strip forever though? She made fun of Diamond driving a civic and being at the club for 4 years but Diamond is paying tuition and actually has an exit plan. Ronnie does not
Ronnie was also a pimp but she was doing all wrong. She was trying to do it through force and fear when she should’ve been easing these hoes minds. You see her threaten one of the dancers at the beginning and real pimp don’t need to do all that. If you can get someone to pay you because it makes them feel accomplished that’s real pimpin. A person feels PROUD to bring you money? Thats GAME. If you doing it through fear the hoe either gone kill you outta fear or put you in jail. Give a shorty an open door policy and let them know they can leave whenever they please and set the tone of “I don’t need you. You need me.”
If Ronnie just took her hustler mindset but put some code and integrity in it she could’ve owned The Players Club and owned multiple clubs and she would’ve been a boss bitch that can’t be touched. She had 3 different revenue streams. The money she made dancing at the club but of course that money is taxed by Dolla Bill so she like a hustler she did private parties outside the club which is dangerous but untaxed. Her third stream of revenue was recruiting girls to the club and to do private parties with her which she takes a percentage of their take. She had multiple streams of income and with those 3 different ways of income she could’ve easily pushed Dolla Bill out the game who was already laying low cause of St.Louis. Where she fucked up was is that she didn’t make her workers feel secure or safe. She was foul and threw them to the wolves and didn’t give the girls any benefits of hustling with her. She preyed on girls instead of helping them build. When you move shady like that you earn a rep and that rep sticks to you. You saw her reputation work against her when trying to recruit girls for her brother Junior’s party and she couldn’t.
She also had Trixie plump ass hanging around when she could’ve put her ass to work too. That was a big mistake. If she was 100 with her message and actually tried to get girls paid and get them home safe Trixie could’ve echoed that message and philosophy and more girls would’ve bought into what they were doing and that would’ve brought in more money for the women to take over and own their own shit.
A bird bitch not hard to figure out. Once you around them enough you start to see that there’s no depth to them, they’re greedy, and they ain’t really got shit going. Only other bird bitches are fooled by Ronnie’s type for long periods of time. Ebony is an example of that.
Ronnie did Dolla Bill job better than he did. She basically owned that shit. She recruited girls to the club with ease. She knew how to make connections and network. She trained girls on how to work in the club and set them up mentally on how to be a sex worker. Ronnie was the highest ranking manager in The Players Club. She was essentially the most important piece. She had skills that people with genius IQ’s didn’t possess but in the end she was a rapist, manipulator and a piece of shit and that’s why she was exiled to misery at Club Sugar Daddy.
Moral of the story and the good shit you’ve learned from Ronnie is …
Understand what you’re up against.
Understand the business you’ve chosen.
Empower yourself in the face of hatred.
Keep the blicky on you & Use these horny niggas.
Pimp the game and triple your worth.
Everything is mental not force. Stay mentally sharp. Only use force to defend yourself.
Keep multiple streams of income.
Network and make connections and stay on good terms with your connections.
Recruit a team. You don’t get rich by yourself.
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