Here’s something short and sweet about activity.
Activity don’t slap.
Activity not bussing.
Activity is shit you give to children to leave you the fuck alone for a little while.
Most importantly, activity ain’t action.
People are just doing shit and wondering why they aren’t receiving tangible results. There’s no intention in activity. Activity is an illusion. I can fill my whole day with activity and not accomplish anything. Activity can be me just browsing social media all day. Action is me actually connecting with people about whatever my business or brand is. Action is you actually ENGAGING with people about your business or passion. Like actually @‘ing them in having conversation about what you’re selling or providing. How do you expect to connect with what you claim is your goal when all you’re doing is useless activity that’s rerouting you farther and farther away from it?
Activity peaks early. You can keep busy and see some result but it’ll only take you so far. It won’t take you to THAT level. The one where a small percentage of people reside in.
Activity can be you just reading my blog to pass time but it’s not action because it’s not reaching a goal. Now if you were reading this blog to improve something in your life then actually went and did it then that’s activity with action. Activity is just like small talk. It’s just something that fills spaces without saying or doing much.
Reason why people don’t understand activity or it’s purpose is because most of the things people are working towards they truly don’t give a fuck about. There may be a piece of something that’s attached to it that may pique their interest but that’s not enough. For example I may love music and be very knowledgable about music that doesn’t mean being a DJ would work for me. It’s going to take more than me loving music for me to be an exceptional DJ.
Action is intentional steps towards a goal. Activity is something that just fills up space. There’s a difference.
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