If you feel alone on this day today here are some instructions
First thing you’re gonna do is play some D’Angelo. You’re gonna play “You Can’t Hide Love” off the D’Angelo Live At The Jazz Cafe album cause you can’t hide the love you have for yourself. I just want you to stretch and 2 step. Nothing major. Just a 2 step to get the blood flowing.
The first mirror you see you’re gonna say “I love you” to the mirror. You’re going to say “I love you” to the mirror 3 times. Your mind needs to hear it. Your body needs to hear it and your spirit needs to hear it. You love yourself more than Naruto loves ramen. You’re that important to yourself.
Shower or Bath. I think you should take a bubble bath and light a joint up but if you don’t have no tree or bubble bath materials then ain’t nothing wrong with a shower. Wash your face and breathe. Use your favorite facial products. Personally I’m a use my green tea moisturizer and then do a clay face mask. Have your skin glowing like a super saiyan transformation.
Buy something for yourself. Big or small. All the shit you got in those shopping carts online go ahead and get you something outta there. Get something off that wishlist for yourself. You deserve it. It’s about you today. Treat yourself. Fuck them bills they ain’t going nowhere. They can wait. Treat yourself.
If you going work don’t let nothing stress you out today. Today is gonna be a good mothafucking day cause it’s gonna be a good mothafucking day . If you off work today just relax. Pour up some wine. If you wanna step out go get you some margaritas. Play video games. Watch a show or anime. Read a book. Go get a manicure and pedicure. Whatever activity that you can just feel at ease doing just do it.
Take yourself out to eat with the homies. Dress up nice. There’s not too many better feelings then putting on a nice ass outfit and you looking good as fuck. If I didn’t recently have surgery I would have that shit on with my chest showing cause I’m handsome as fuck and the world needs to see this. That’s the mentality you’re gonna have. You’re gonna put that shit on and show the streets why you pressure. Show the streets that you a stepper. That you are 1 of 1. Ain’t no other. We not doing no comparison today. We not worrying bout what the next person got today. We loving ourself today. Imperfections and all. We embracing what makes you YOU. Today you focusing on your journey. You cashing in all energy on yourself.
Here’s the thing about today. There’s days where I don’t feel my best or feel behind. Feel that I must not be deserving of a better life. There’s days I don’t wanna get outta bed. There’s days I feel I’m not good enough. You wanna know what keeps me going? Life. Real life is what inspires me. The fact that I woke up and I can use my arms and legs. The fact I can use all my senses. I can breathe deep. The probability of us being human gotta be in the billions or trillions. I’m grateful. When I start to think about what I could’ve been versus what I am today it puts everything in perspective for me. We’re really divine creatures. We have powers that can transcend what we think. We’re full of so much light. I want you to really sit with yourself today and explore your mind. Explore your curiosity. Imagination is the goal. Society so fucked up cause people refuse to use their imagination. Imagination is for the living. Imagination is life. Without imagination you’re gonna feel stagnant. You’re gonna feel stuck.
Today is another blessed day to be above ground. You matter. I don’t care what anyone tells you. You matter and that’s what makes you powerful. Today I want you to give all that love to yourself. You deserve.
Benny Loves You
Instagram: @bennygreenheart
Twitter: @jayjaybenny