Dedicated to those stepping into a new era of life. Here’s some things I want you to take with you on your path.
Telling yourself and others how you want to be treated is non negotiable in my eyes. There’s value in knowing how you want people to respect you, talk to you, and understand you. There’s a difference between someone who THINKS they should be treated well and someone who KNOWS they should be treated well. Seek people who are capable of treating you well and consistently treat you well on a regular basis.
Learning everyday is pivotal for the type of society we live in. Misinformation is spread quicker and quicker as time progresses. Your mind needs exercise just like any other muscle in your body. Your mind is your most important muscle. Seek knowledge everyday. Don’t just consume everyday. If you do consume anything let it be knowledge. Watching countless streaming services and movies everyday is not healthy unless it’s leading to immediate creative output afterwards. When you over consume regular media and social media that will just open up the doors for more bad habits. Your mind suffers.
I believe that a lot of fallouts between people outside of abuse of any form is that people don’t understand their relationship. Understanding your friendship dynamics will take you a long way and give you more clarity of the friendships you have. It will prevent you from building up resentment and when resentment arrives it just leads to passive aggressive behavior in the friendship which is the beginning of the end.
Don’t just look at your friendship dynamics when things have gone wrong, look at your friendship dynamics when things are going great as well. When you understand how you interact with your friends you understand them more. If you know what you do well it’ll be easier to make adjustments to friendships when things aren’t going well. Here are some questions to help understand your friendship dynamics.
Are you comfortable around your friends?
Are your friends supportive?
Do you feel respected?
Are all your friendships allowing you to become the best version of yourself?
How are your conversations? Are they one sided? Are they emotional dumping?
Know your friendship dynamics in this new era of your life.
You can’t control other people but you control the environment you create around yourself. Whether it’s online or offline the best thing you can do is create peace for yourself. Curate what you see online. It’s not personal or business, it’s essential. If someone is always negative, remove them from your space or set it up where you can’t see the negativity. It doesn’t matter if they’re a good person, a good person can still promote negativity and give off stressful energy.
Focus on what you like and what you want to engage with. On social media I only care about food, anime/manga, film, and music so I curate my social media around that because that’s all I want to see or engage in. Outside of the internet I do the same thing. I don’t frequent places where the vibe doesn’t fit my life. I like to be around positivity and non stupid shit in my free time.
It’s time for you to focus on keeping your life secure. Protect your mental space. It’s what boundaries are for. If someone doesn’t want to respect your boundaries just remember the door swings both ways. Same door you let them in is the same door you can see them out. What boundaries are you setting on this new path in your life? What boundaries have you set before but feel you need to work on? What are they? Emotional boundaries? Physical boundaries? Mental boundaries?
Boundaries are for your protection and help you change unhealthy behaviors. You have to set boundaries in the era in your life or you will just revert back to the bad habits.
If you change your mind, you change your mind. Don’t ever feel guilty for doing so. Changing your mind is just adapting to the situation you’re in. It’s a part of growth. Changing your mind doesn’t make you a flake or makes you unreliable. It makes you aware of the things that aren’t for you. Changing your mind is about finding out what you like and what you don’t like. If you want to switch careers, do it. If you want to ditch a project and start a new one, do it. Have confidence in changing direction in your life because that’s all changing your mind is.
Commit to discipline. Not motivation. Discipline sets up your habits and when you have good habits you’ll be consistent and when you’re consistent you’ll grow. When you commit to discipline you’re putting your future first. You’re making deposits everyday by doing the little things to improve each day. Put in the sacrifices today so you don’t regret your future.
Declutter your life. Clear space will give you a clear mind. Clothes you haven’t even looked at in 6 months, sell it or give it away. The thing you’re not using at all and it’s just collecting dust, get it out of your home. Your space is not a storage place. It’s your palace. It’s your zen. Declutter helps keep your anxiety down and the feeling of being overwhelmed.
Love, Benny