One of the things we have to balance in life is what to hold onto and what to let go of. We all fuck up at it. Some things we hold onto for too long. Some things we let go of too soon. We all navigate through those decisions the best we can.
There are instances where just making the decision what to keep and what to let go of in our lives overwhelms us to the point it paralyzes us. Which then anxiety makes its appearance and makes everything worse.
I’ve never been a person that always wondered why bad shit happens to me. When bad things happen to me I cook a chicken sandwich, smoke a joint, watch Invader Zim and I’m all better. I’m weird like that. I have this belief that I cannot hold onto bad things. I’m not saying it’s awful if you do hold onto things that have gone wrong in your life because sitting with bad things in your life is how you process them. It’s how you grow.
Breakthroughs happen for everyone but it’s important that you are prepared for the breakthrough. You have to prepare yourself for your transformation. You have to let go of the things that do not serve you to make room for the new energy coming into your life. The change that you want doesn’t come to the unprepared. You have to put your mind in the rhythm of believing that change and new energy is on its way to you.
How can you make room for new energy when you still have resentment towards certain people? How can you make room for new energy when you haven’t realized your worth?
Think of it as a house that’s owned by a hoarder. Do you think the homeowner could throw a dinner party or a kickback with a house full of newspapers dating back to 1989? Nothing but clutter everywhere? No. You think you can bring peace into your life when all you consume or interact with is negativity? Self loathing? Constant overthinking? Validating your worth outside of yourself? Pouring from an empty cup. These things are barriers to your blessings. They are taking up space in your life and not allowing new positive energy to come into your life.
It’s gonna come down to focusing on becoming a good person. Being a person with pure intentions. There’s so many distractions out there that move us further and further away from being good human beings. So many things that move us away from gratitude. Everywhere you turn there’s gossip, groupthink, constant comparison, complaining, looking for faults in everything and everyone, letting opinions define reality. It’s just people who are really at war with themselves but aren’t winning that war so they make it everyone else's problem and that negative energy spreads. People carry all these things that weigh them down and take up space in their spirit and there is nowhere to place the good energy that’s waiting for them. They haven’t made room for the energy.
I want you to make room for the new energy. When the energy comes it will be abundant. Bring more love into your life instead of judgment. Bring more light. Be the light for yourself and then share that light with the world so that good energy can come to you. Share that light in any way you can whether it’s through art, creativity, business, whatever way you can. Good energy is waiting for its home to go to. It’s home is in you and you have to start spring cleaning so it can come home and stay comfortably.
Love, Benny