I wanna keep this short.
I believe you have one job as a human being. Your job is to leave this planet better than you found it. So that can include every positive trait and act you can imagine within the time you’re blessed to be here. Yes there will be people who are assholes for no reason. Yes there will be unreasonable people but you just continue to do what’s right for your life and continue to move forward. This sounds simple right? Well, people still don’t do this shit.
I just have one question?
Why do y’all want people to hate you so badly?
I’m a little slow so sometimes I have trouble comprehending why you want to have haters or enemies? I know the saying is that if you don’t have haters then you ain’t popping. I have haters and I ain’t poppin at all so it sounds like that quote is actually an excuse for someone who is so unfulfilled with life that they would use negativity to scale how good their life is.
No one hates you. You have no opps. In reality no one is paying attention to you. You just don’t value your time nor do you value the potential you have to impact this world. I just never understood why people want to be driven by hatred so badly. You gain nothing from it. It’s never wise to invest in unless you’re investing to protect yourself from it. I could understand if someone or a group of people doubt you can be great at something and that was added fuel to the determination you already had to be great at whatever you’re pursuing but to just try and be hated for no logical reason is a mental illness. They’re either on drugs or they have a mental illness. That’s why I never get upset at people talking crazy or trying to act tough. I just assume you’re high or you need therapy and continue with my cool ass life.
I’m all for taking negative circumstances and turning them into positive gains but the pretend enemies you’re talking to on social media is grade A weirdo behavior. They don’t exist and the fucked up part is that you’re really speaking negativity into existence cause you’re going to get real enemies that you’re asking for and you will receive the problems that you’re not built to handle. I know a lot of you not scared for shit to happen but I’m willing to bet you ain’t in no rush for some fucked up shit to happen. Then when it does happen yall like to play the victim like this was never your fault. Saying people are disloyal to you has nothing to do with the fact that you created this negative atmosphere for yourself. Nobody was sneak dissing. You created the scenario in your mind and attached it to yourself and now you’re unable to live with it. This is how bridges get burned and relationships are broken and unable to be repaired. How can anybody trust you when negativity empowers you?
You’re supposed to take away the power from negativity, not give it power and become powerless.
Rant over.
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